Mass Firearms | Shooting Sports Center in Holliston, MA

Mass Firearms school

Concealed Carry V - Shooting, Reloading - One Hand Only

Cost is $175.


Concealed Carry V is a 4-hour class that picks up where Concealed Carry IV left off.   In this class we move from point/instinctual shooting with two hands to one handed shooting and firearms manipulation.  Half the class will be spent in the class room learning the skills of reloading and malfunction clearing using only one hand.  The other half will be spent on the range firing your weapon in a self defense fashion (not target shooting). 



The focus of this class is to revisit skills from CC2, CC3, and CC4 using one-handed grips only, using both the strong & weak hand. The following topics will be covered:


  • Combat grip, stance & trigger control
  • The Draw from multiple positions & concealment
  • Reloads
  • Type 1 & 2 malfunctions and their clearing procedures
  • Movement, verbal commands & shooting at the same time
  • Positional Shooting
  • Combination Point & Sighted Fire drills

  • Strong hand only / Weak hand only point shooting



Please bring the following gear to class:


  • Must have firearms license or have completed prior live fire training.   
  • Pistol or revolver of your choice (if needed we can provide a handgun at no cost) 
  • Concealment Holster
  • Extra magazine, speed loader or reloading device
  • Magazine or speed loader holder (you can use your pocket if that's how you plan to carry, not recommended)
  • Concealment Garment
  • 150 rounds of handgun ammunition (available for purchase in our retail store)





Christoper Doherty:
MA State Police Certified Instructor, Multi-State Certified Instructor,
Law Enforcement Instructor
USCCA Pistol, Concealed Carry, Home Defense, Countering the Mass Shooter Threat, Women’s Defensive Handgun, First Aid Fundamentals Instructor & range safety officer.
NRA Certified Pistol, Home Firearms Safety, Refuse to be a Victim, Personal protection Inside the home Instructor & range safety officer.
SABRE: OC/Pepper Spray Instructor.

****Please Note: This is not a learn to shoot class. Attendees must have a proficient understanding of their firearm, including loading, unloading, and firing the firearm safely. If you would like to better familiarize yourself with your firearm before taking this class, please sign up for a Personal Range Time with an MFS Instructor here.

Concealed Carry V



In this shooting class you will learn the skills to effectively draw and shoot your conceal carry handgun.


Everyone I spoke to told me I would never get a license to carry in my town. With the help of MFS I got an unrestricted license in only 3 weeks. Thank you MFS!
Phil from Metro West